The Top Electronic Components Distributors in the USA


Integrating with the top electronic components distributors in the USA will help  maximize market share and profitability 

Several trends are driving the electronic components industry’s growth, including new manufacturing process technologies and materials, PCB design emphasis on ECAD/MCAD co-design, and customer demand for smaller, smarter products. Similarly, there are major challenges in connecting with the engineers who determine whether to implement a specific manufacturer’s components in their designs.

Today, engineers rely on several different sources to learn about new components. Consequently, electronics manufacturers must develop effective strategies for the marketing channels that their target audience utilizes. A major aspect of this client engagement plan is creating a distribution network.

As the leading online resource for component CAD models and design data, Ultra Librarian has a long history of working with manufacturers and supporting distributors.  To aid manufacturers, we have developed a list of the top electronic component distributors in the USA based on their industry experience.

A Ranking Guide to The Top Electronic Components Distributors in the USA

The silver lining of the supply chain disruptions that have plagued the electronics industry over recent years is the recognition of the need for a resilient network to avoid interruptions and the costly contingencies that can result. One of the most important keys for manufacturers is ensuring their components are available to engineers, OEMs, ODMs, and others who need them. Below is a list of the top electronic components distributors in the USA, arranged according to their experience in the industry.





Industry Experience




Phoenix, AZ

103 yrs

With over a century of experience delivering electronics, Avnet is a true distribution leader. Their top services are datasheets and detailed component descriptions. 


Centennial, CO

89 yrs

Amplifiers, LEDs, sensors, and relays are major component areas. Through a partnership with the industry leader for manufacturer-verified component CAD models, Arrow does a great job helping engineers address supply chain resiliency issues. 



Chicago, IL

88 yrs

Newark is the North American arm of Farnell Global. The company provides fast delivery of electronics for design, testing, and maintenance products.

Jameco Electronics


Belmont, CA

63 yrs

In addition to providing customers with a robust online catalog of components, Jameco also maintains a walk-in location for local clients to pick up parts immediately.


Mansfield, TX

60 yrs

Mouser enables searchers to compare and contrast components based on a wide range of criteria, including lead times. 


Thief River Falls, MN

53 yrs

Digi-Key provides customers with component and alternative listings as well as comprehensive data and information. They streamline access to CAD models by partnering with the largest online component CAD library in the world


Fort Worth, TX

53 yrs

TTI specializes in supplying customers with interconnects, electromechanical devices, passives, and discrete parts.

The list of electronic components distributors above is not exhaustive. However, it does represent the group of distributors with the most experience and reach within the USA electronics industry. Consequently, it is advantageous for manufacturers to be aware of and utilize these distributors to maximize the availability of their components for potential customers.

Optimizing the Component Distribution Network

For engineers and others who require electronic components, creating and maintaining supply chain resiliency is of primary importance. Achieving this mandate has led to solutions that include supplier mapping. For established clients that typically use a specific manufacturer’s components, this is a definite asset. However, it fails to address new component introductions or reaching additional customers.

The best way to overcome these shortcomings and attain an acceptable ROI for R&D and manufacturing costs is to be proactive and develop an effective component distribution network that targets the supply chain resiliency challenges that clients face.



Component Distribution Network Solution

Learning about new components or alternatives

Listing new and alternative components with a highly visible, easily accessible, and trusted online component library resource 

Finding accurate design data 

Providing easy access to accurate CAD models, datasheets, and other design information 

Having a reliable acquisition source

Leveraging the top electronic components distributors in the USA

Creating and maintaining a component distribution network requires resources and expertise that many manufacturers either do not possess or prefer not to manage in-house. A better solution is to partner with the most trusted industry leader, Ultra Librarian, that seamlessly integrates component data with many of the top electronic components distributors in the USA and has a proven track record of reaching the largest share of the engineering audience.  Additionally, UL can elevate marketing efforts with tailored solutions to promote components, reference designs, and custom developments.

Discover how Ultra Librarian helps manufacturers. With services and resources tailored to streamline CAD creation and amplify part downloads, Ultra Librarian empowers manufacturers to boost productivity and drive part downloads. By leveraging these tools, manufacturers can achieve greater success in today’s competitive market landscape.

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